Bradda Glen Restaurant and Tea Rooms i Port Erin

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Isle of ManBradda Glen Restaurant and Tea Rooms



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Bradda E, Port Erin IM9 6PJ
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 837713
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Latitude: 54.0915072, Longitude: -4.7647995

kommentar 5

  • Graham



    Called in for a quick coffee stop on a sunny autumn afternoon. Just what we needed.

  • Lorna Mattocks

    Lorna Mattocks


    Beautiful location. Amazing carrot cake. Good coffee. Lovely people. 😁

  • Samantha Booth

    Samantha Booth


    This is beatiful restaurant in gorgeous location. You can visit and just have tea and cake and just sit and admire the view or have lovely meal. We were there with our grandchildren so spent most of the time outside in the little play area, where they had great fun in the little train tacking us to lots of different places on the island. We all had a great time. It is well worth a visit and you could also stretch your legs and visit Milners Tower.

  • Alex Molloy

    Alex Molloy


    The Bradda Glen Restaurant is excellent. I was there for a Sunday carvery with the family, and everything was brilliant. Delicious food for all three courses, and very friendly and polite staff. Definitely worth going there

  • Claire Cooper

    Claire Cooper


    Just amazing views of Port Erin and the Calf of Man. Dog friendly outside, plenty of water bowls too. Great for just a coffee and cake or wedding reception! Friendly professional staff who go that little bit extra!

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