Star Grill & Pizza i Ramsey

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManStar Grill & Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

46, Parliament Street, IM8 1AN, Ramsey, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 818111
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.3221898, Longitude: -4.382778

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emily Green


    Incorrect opening hours listed, staff rude about it. Called up for a delivery, staff just said that they weren't delivering - they didn't mention they were closed, so the obvious assumption to make was that they had stopped delivering for the night. I walked down in freezing storm winds to order at the store since I believed they were still open. When I got there they still had the "open" sign up, but they'd already locked up. The opening times listed were totally different from those on Google. I tried to tell them that the opening times listed online were wrong, but they just gestured at me and shrugged when I tried to show them the opening times on Google. I called them up since they wouldn't listen to me at the door, but they just kept saying "can't hear you, can't hear you" until I was practically shouting down the phone. It's your responsibility to make sure your opening times are correctly listed on Google, it's not hard to fix. People get your number from Google, they'll take the opening times from it as well. Won't buy again.

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    Michael Tsitsos


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    Carlton Ivory


    Normal fast food

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    Jake Mayers


    Love from gully

  • Ubermanuk



    Great food

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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