Tesco Superstore i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManTesco Superstore



🕗 åbningstider

Lake Road, IM1 5AF, Douglas, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 345 677 9210
internet side: www.tesco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.1472548, Longitude: -4.4875771

kommentar 5

  • TheManxToffee



    Usually busy regardless of time. Car park and the road leading up to the store is full of pot holes. Dates on perishable food is only a few days at max so you will need to keep an eye on dates. Store aisles far too narrow which turns into a painful chore. Prices are becoming more comparable to Marks&Spencer's but without the experience or quality. Upsides are their staff are friendly and helpful, but still not comparable to M&S. Could do much much better.

  • Justin Jolly Samuel

    Justin Jolly Samuel


    Great selection of products especially if you are also looking for products that cater to the mainland. If you are only looking for local produce then you should look elsewhere. It also has a delivery from Tesco Direct that gets your online delivery items from the mainland.

  • en

    Janet Thompson


    Great store, easy to access, friendly helpful staff! Got loads of help finding maple syrup!

  • en

    Tin Tin


    If you want to observe the dregs of people that live on the Island this is the place to go. Staff do a fine job considering the type of people they have to deal with. Jeremy Kyle will never be short of guests if he used this place to recruit.

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    Robert Pressley


    Went into Tesco Isle of Man for two item that I knew I would not get anywhere else, but alas I could not find either item one was Tumerick looking through all herbs and spices on the shelf it became clear that the shelf stacker had no idea on the British alphabet what a waste of my time that was. The second item was just as challenging I asked several staff members who had no idea what I was asking for. Then out of the blue a young female member of staff came along who knew exactly what I was trying to locate she was wonderful two items cost me over two hours of my life

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