Tower House Shopping Centre i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManTower House Shopping Centre



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49, Loch Promenade, IM1 2HE, Douglas, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 625834
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Latitude: 54.1534674, Longitude: -4.4785595

kommentar 5

  • Gary Quayle

    Gary Quayle


    Good food, good price, excellent service with a smile. Play area for kids, free WiFi, clean toilets

  • en

    Jayne Hinchliffe


    Good food great price clean and friendly staff

  • Mark Kneen

    Mark Kneen


    Food is ok, no better than you average takeaway. Best bit of tower house is the kids area. Only wish the coffee machine worked Extra stars for the staff. Very helpful

  • Ran Davies

    Ran Davies


    I've eaten at Tower House several times and it has a beautifully clean, spacious eating area in an astonishing, bright, tall atrium. I love the Daddy's Breakfast and it has arrived promptly and perfectly cooked each time so full marks there, thank you. However the fried mushrooms are deep fried in oil and this needs to be done in butter for the taste to be great. Also the sausages are nice but the texture and taste is cheap. I'd withhold a star for those two things but give it back due to the scrupulously clean toilets and the fact that it's really a fabulous, almost perfect environment. My only complaint is that they have some kind of creche in there and I'm not keen on listening to other people's screaming, yelling and crying kids while I'm eating. Finally I want to add, to the previous reviewer who wants a slope installing in the kids area, because her kids can't manage steps without falling over them. May I suggest that she makes them play outside more, so that they can learn to walk and balance properly as soon as possible, like everybody else. *sighs in disbelief*

  • en

    Wendy Toon


    We found the cafe by passing past and glad we found it as it's probably the only place in town that has a play area for the children. The staff are welcoming and friendly. Found the food reasonably priced but unfortunately they don't have a variety of cakes which is let down. The play are has been updated but there are steps to go inside and would definitely remove them and make I a slope as the children fall over them.

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