Tracey Bell Douglas Dental and Aesthetic Medical Clinic i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManTracey Bell Douglas Dental and Aesthetic Medical Clinic



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Kensington Road, IM1 3PE, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 613323
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Latitude: 54.153731, Longitude: -4.4859

kommentar 5

  • Richie360 Devine

    Richie360 Devine


    I can't rate tracey bell and all of her team highly enough tracey has gone out of her way numerous times especially over the past year to help me . The whole team give you a warm welcome and make you feel comfortable they all do a fantastic job and I wouldn't go anywhere else. After discussion with tracey and great advice I am ready to book and get the smile I have always wanted and I cannot wait Keep up the great work you are all fantastic #traceybellsmilemakeover #bestinthebusiness

  • joanne burden

    joanne burden


    Fantastic dentist will never go anywhere else! Had emergency treatment and was fitted in same day, nothing is too much bother - Tracey is open and honest regarding the right treatment and I trust her completely. Elaine the dental hygienist is brilliant - my teeth feel and look 10 times better. Thank you Tracey, Elaine , Wendy, Cami and Mairead you are the best team. You have all put the biggest smile on my face

  • Emma Tapping

    Emma Tapping


    I have always hated my teeth. Spent thousands getting some of them fixed. Tracey seen me for teeth whitening and talked me through getting the top ones fixed in a cost effective way. My teeth are transformed. Highly recommended

  • Maire Booth

    Maire Booth


    100% recommend Tracey. Relaxed surroundings and down to earth staff who make you feel at ease. For someone like me who had bad experiences in the past this is a must. Also great for kids as Tracey is so well with them.

  • Lexie Brennan

    Lexie Brennan


    I've been to Tracey Bell since I was a child and have always left feeling great. I look forward to visiting as the team are so welcoming and professional and the treatment I've received is always to a very high standard. I'd never go anywhere else! Thanks team TB!

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