Ballaglass Glen IM

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Isle of ManBallaglass Glen


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Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44-1624
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Latitude: 54.2807342, Longitude: -4.3586528

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jo Bersee-Mills


    Very lovely indeed. A nice sheltered walk through the beautiful Glen, highly recommended :-)

  • en

    Richard Barker


    Ballaglass Glen is a treasure among the Manx National Glens. With intricate rock formations for the water to meander its way around this is a perfect place for those who enjoy the outdoors. Photographers can catch amazing light at the right time of day when the weather behaves and well maintained and sensitivity built walkways and steps make it easy to enjoy nature at its best.

  • Rebecca McKay

    Rebecca McKay


    In my opinion the most beautiful Glen on the Isle of Man. Wear stout shoes. Bluebells in the Spring, wild garlic in the summer, beautiful colours in the Autumn and harsh beauty in Winter. Kids can paddle and climb on the rocks. Wonderful for dog walkers. Great place to let kids run wild

  • Ran Davies

    Ran Davies


    Beautiful, tranquil, unspoilt and quiet. Gurgling rivers and 1001 photo opps. It even has its own mer stop. A wonderful place.

  • Alan Harrison

    Alan Harrison


    Magical place for a family visit

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