Begoade Cattery i Onchan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManBegoade Cattery



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Begoade Road, IM4 6AX
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 676947
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.1870864, Longitude: -4.4395709

kommentar 3

  • MaJa Bo

    MaJa Bo


  • Johnny G

    Johnny G


    Fantastic Service - will use again. We left our cat with Begoade whilst we went away - we'd never used a cattery before but on the suggestion from the MSPCA we got it touch. From the first call we had a good feeling about Begoade. When we dropped her off we were shown where she'd stay - she had her own pen with lots scratching toys and a soft furnishings, they asked how her mobility was (she has an injury from before we fostered her) and made arrangements to make things easy for her. She needs medicine and regular brushing but this was no problem. They were happy with occasional texts whilst we were away so we got updates when we wanted one. Tonight I went to collect her and she had obviously been treated well, her coat was shiny, she was shouting and vocal (a very good thing) and was happy being handled by the staff. She came home with an extra toy, a blanket she liked and a stash of catnip which she'd shown a liking for (she hadn't previously shown any interest in catnip) Five stars but only as I can't give them six stars !!!

  • en

    peter joughin


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