Best Western Palace Hotel & Casino i Douglas

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Isle of ManBest Western Palace Hotel & Casino



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Central Promenade, IM2 4NA, Douglas, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 662662
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Latitude: 54.162683, Longitude: -4.471266

kommentar 5

  • Peter Gilmartin

    Peter Gilmartin


    Lovely place inside but the outside is quite dated the staff are very friendly and professional. I enjoyed my stay and would definitely go back.

  • en

    Melaney Buck


    Lovely hotel, good breakfast, very good value for money, in excellence location on sea front, room's need updating, but very clean., Perfect for short ,or weekend stay.

  • en

    Paul Davies


    Hotel/Casino complex on seafront which looks a little tired from the outside. Warm, comfortable, clean rooms and a very good breakfast with plenty of choice (with some items cooked to order).

  • en

    Donna Kelso


    The staff and the service at this hotel are excellent. Nothing is too much. Although the hotel is in need of renovation the staff and service more than make up for this. The food is very good and menu choices are varied and cater for all diets. The chef is very happy to accommodate requests where possible. The all inclusive deal is excellent. Thank you to all the team for making our stay such a relaxing and good experience

  • en

    Terry Owen


    Wonderful place. Room is big an well equipped. Staff very helpful and polite. And the cooked breakfast was amazing. They serve the lot even black pudding and fried bread 😀 overall it is turning out to be a great short break 😀

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