Bourne Burger i Ramsey

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManBourne Burger



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1, Parliament Square, IM8 1AH, Ramsey, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 817531
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Latitude: 54.322031, Longitude: -4.3862746

kommentar 5

  • en

    Layla Charly


    Has good vegetarian and vegan options; sauces included. Danny is always asking for feedback on how to improve and add to the menu. Lovely place :)

  • en

    Christofer Wilder


    You can't beat the £5 Burger special that includes chips and a drink! The burgers are thick, delicious Manx Beef with Manx Cheddar with salad if you want. Absolutely delicious! They will soon be serving surf and turf with either prawn or Kipper. I highly recommend this place.

  • Keith Keith

    Keith Keith


    Just started selling Donna kebabs, need work

  • en

    Robert Broughton


    Had the double was brilliant...great bacon n cheese flavour...meaty burgers..the real mcoy...fries were spot on...try one luv it...

  • Lj Boakes

    Lj Boakes


    Stick to fish and chips, please. Dry burger in a burned bun with bright yellow bread (bizarre), with a few bits of bland salad. Very disappointed, especially as their chippy is one of the best. Chips were great, but most of the burger was thrown away as it was inedible. Shame, really as I had high hopes.

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