Chequers - The Cherry Orchard i Port Erin

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Isle of ManChequers - The Cherry Orchard


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Bridson Street, IM9 6LN, Port Erin, Port Erin, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 833811
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Latitude: 54.0863565, Longitude: -4.7559147

kommentar 5

  • en



    Good food selection from lite bites to main courses. Food is quite on the price side but the quality reflects what you get.

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    Timothy Norris


    if you like cold showers this is the place for you

  • en

    Hermann Liebich


    We visited theCherry Ochard two times during our holidays! I can say it was very ok. Nice and friendly people, helpfull and Quick. The food was very good, I liked the Sunday Brunch with 4 sorts of meat and good vegetables. My Familie and I coming from Austria/Vienna and the Ochard give us remembering a good time, on the IoM

  • Ed Benson

    Ed Benson


    The bar area is generally quiet and so is a good place if you want a place to be able to have a conversation with the people you are with. It does however have a small side room that has a pool table, dart board and jukebox for those that want a louder atmosphere. The food available is more of a restaurant quality than bar food and is always excellent and great value for money, and can Highly reccommend the Sunday Carvery (just make sure you book in advance as it is very popular) The staff are always friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Kerry Wright


    5 star sunday carvery,lovely staff

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