Curraghs Wildlife Park Cafe IM

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Isle of ManCurraghs Wildlife Park Cafe



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Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44-1624
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Latitude: 54.3192122, Longitude: -4.5148632

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Megson


    This review is just for the cafe not the park itself. The cafe is shockingly bad. Poor service, extremely expensive, badly maintained, dirty, understaffed, outdated and just in need of knocking down and starting again. It could be such a good place if any effort at all was put into it. Basically bring picnic and maybe get an ice cream from there but that's it. Two stars purely because of the comedy value of watching tourists grimace at the price/place. Oh and sometimes a peacock will walk past the window which is nice.

  • en

    Geoffrey Lee


    Fantastic Silvery Gibbones have a baby and it was very lively and it was playing I must smack daddy.Coffee not to good but the best bacon butty for a long time.

  • en

    Donna Perkins


    Great park for all the family. Lots to see and do.

  • en

    Catriona Parker


    Great place for kids. Informative talks and excellent playgrounds and train.

  • Kath Curtis

    Kath Curtis


    Reasonable prices, basic hearty food. May have a bit of a wait when they are busy as food is freshly cooked.

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