Eurocycles i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManEurocycles



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8, Victoria Road, IM2 4EY, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 624909
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.1591185, Longitude: -4.4782493

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew erskine


    Mark and the team at Eurocycles Isle of Man have been absolutely brilliant,with his help knowledge and experience he confirmed over the phone and through email to my local Trek dealership in the UK that i was the very proud original owner of a 2009 Trek 6 series , i had just returned home after ride and luckily just missed the snow washed my bike and thought i had chipped paint work on the frame unfortunately it was a crack but through the life time frame guarantee from Trek i received a new bike Mark is patient professional and a gentle man great shop on Victoria road Douglas the Island is very lucky to have this Bike Shop, Mark thank you i will admit to crying when i could not find original receipt and did not sleep well one night but Mark proved how professonal he has always been i look forward to returning to the Island some time and doing a couple laps of TT course do miss the Island sometimes you lucky lucky people .

  • David French

    David French


    Popped in for a quick look around whilst on holiday. Great shop, nicely laid out, huge depth of stock, knowledgeable and friendly staff. My partner noticed that all of the staff made an effort to check that she was seen to as well as me, which is a rarity. I know where I'll be coming should I need anything on my next visit to IOM.

  • en

    Paul Haigh


    Got off the ferry last night. Half a mile down the road and my pedal strips the thread. Pop in this morning and although they didn't have an exact match for my bike they had a replacement to get me going again. Fitted within a couple of hours and text me to let me know it was done. Some of the best service I've received to date. Thanks again fellas.

  • en

    James Fayle


    Needed my brakes bleeding the day before E2E. Even though they were less than an hour before closing they told me to come down. They found the time and even gave me a discount. Highly recommend.

  • Falk Horning

    Falk Horning


    Fair prices and great customer service, they give tips on anything u might ask

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