Falcon's Nest Hotel i Port Erin

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Isle of ManFalcon's Nest Hotel


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Station Road, IM9 6AF, Port Erin, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 834077
internet side: www.falconsnesthotel.co.uk
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Latitude: 54.0852271, Longitude: -4.759187

kommentar 5

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    Dawn Platt


    Lovely location. Friendly staff. Easy booking for a large party. Good choice for breakfast served by a lovely, quirky couple. Only issue was the evening. As a resident our son was not allowed in the bar area after 9 which meant only option he had to go to bed. This was his first holiday we agreed he could stay up. So the long awaited family time was affected by this policy.

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    Diane Wright


    We had a very enjoyable stay here, the food was excellent and the staff were very helpful.

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    Stephen Kelly


    Good meat selection. Decent gravy. Roasties were a let down though. Solid in the middle.

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    I went for lunch today with some friends. After trailing half way through the hotel to the carvery counter, I was told the nut roast I wanted wasn't ready but somebody would come and fetch me when it was, in 5-10 minutes. So then I would have to trail all the way back to get my veg etc. I returned to our table with my friends and sat watching them eat. By the time somebody came to tell me my food was ready (about half an hour later) my friends had practically finished their meals, so as I didn't want to sit eating on my own I said it was too late and I didn't want it. I really think this was pretty appalling for a so-called restaurant. The place wasn't that busy and the staff weren't run off their feet, there really was no excuse. The only apology I got was from the young girl who was waiting on, and it wasn't her fault. There was no offer of recompense, not even a drink on the house by way of apology. My friends were uncomfortable and what should have been a pleasant lunchtime outing turned out to be a disappointment. A very poor do and not an experience I intend to repeat.

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    Brian Smith


    I read other reviews and was a little nervous about staying here. I came in August 2017 and it was spectacular! Get the seaside rooms.... Great room, very clean, service was incredible and friendly, incredible location.... It's lovely! It's not the Hilton, so don't expect that, but it's extremely charming. The staff was incredibly helpful and friendly. Downsides? The beds were a little lumpy and the windows were dirty which obstructed the view a little. Carpets are a little worn.... But this can be age or charm, friends on how you look at it. This is a great little place to stay on the island! I recommend!

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