Little Fish Cafe i Douglas

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Isle of ManLittle Fish Cafe



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30, North Quay, IM1 4LB, Douglas, Isle of Man, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 622518
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Latitude: 54.1477144, Longitude: -4.4806598

kommentar 5

  • Frasir Chan

    Frasir Chan


    Sweet cafe restaurant, good and fresh seafood with reasonable price too

  • Ruark Pepler

    Ruark Pepler


    Food was good. Waiter was a bit ditsy. Forgot to bring some of our orders but no problem. They quickly fixed everything we asked for. Prices seem a bit high but then again everything on the island is a bit more expensive than mainland UK and is to be expected. Good cosy restaurant.

  • perry coates

    perry coates


    Nice place nice staff good food

  • Gerry Finerty

    Gerry Finerty


    Without doubt, one of the best restaurants in Douglas. Cosy, welcoming and a great atmosphere always. The food is top class, very good value and staff very helpful and friendly. Great location and definitely worthy of a visit.

  • Scott Moffat

    Scott Moffat


    Starters: nice. Tasty starters, no complaints. Staff: mixed bag. One very rude waitress, very abrupt. She didn't take the order so had to shout at us at who ordered who. First one was nice and friendly. Third one was indifferent. No one asked how our meal was (I was ready to complain, see below) Specials: bad. Seabass was a single skinny fillet with a couple of mussels and sauce for £16. Mine was two sea bream fillets unseasoned and no sauce on top of cold potato salad. The third party was similar in terms of small portion size and underappreciation of a good dish. Won't be back again.

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