Specsavers Opticians Isle Of Man i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManSpecsavers Opticians Isle Of Man



🕗 åbningstider

13, Strand Street, IM1 2ED, Douglas, IM Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 689500
internet side: www.specsavers.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.150547, Longitude: -4.4790127

kommentar 5

  • Stan Weale

    Stan Weale


    Good service. Efficient and friendly staff

  • en

    Sarah Watterson


    I have been going here for ten years. Without exception the service, customer service and staff are excellent. Thank you.😊.

  • en

    Aaron Peters


    Absolutely awful customer service. I was in many times over the past month to collect some contact lenses and no once did they mention that my prescription was up. Then tried to charge me £30 for speaking to one of the consultants. If i could give this place less than a star, I would!

  • en



    Eye examination very good and thorough. It all went wrong when I ordered new specs. Not the first time I have had problems. There is a disconnect between the opticians (good) and sales staff (bad.)

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    andy sheeran


    Absolutely disgusting. The manageress has her head so far up in the sky. She seems to think that because her staff miss inform and lie to you its your own fault. Two of her staff told me that a certain coating would help with misting so I paid for this. On receiving them this coating was useless. I told this to the so called Manager and all she said was she would replace the glasses (but in 2 weeks) I asked for a refund for the spray but all the idiot said was there was nothing wrong with it and she would not even comment on the fact 2 of her staff told me it would help. I advise people- If you want to be lied to, and treated like a fool- shop here. If not- GO TO BOOTS-ITS ONLY ACROSS THE WAY .

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