A1 Taxis i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManA1 Taxis


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Christian Road, IM1 2QH, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 663344
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Latitude: 54.1527956, Longitude: -4.4836666

kommentar 5

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    Andrew Cregeen


    Ordered a taxi and they cancelled after we rang to ask were they where 10 minutes after they were meant to pick us up

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    Told us we could have a cab in 15 mins. Had to call back 40 minutes later to find out the taxi wasn't coming. Poor service and unreliable.

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    Chris Steele


    Told one price and agreed over phone, driver charged a fiver more and moaned when he was asked to drop passengers at the back of the house not the front as this was flatter for an elderly passenger. When I called the dispatcher about the price I was told "you don't have to use us!"

  • Ricky Rooney

    Ricky Rooney


    Great service.. A1 you could call it

  • Ria Sheridan

    Ria Sheridan


    Quick and reliable both ways. Great text service with make of vehicle and arrival time. Drivers friendly and courteous Very pleased would use again.

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