The Claremont Hotel i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManThe Claremont Hotel


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18, Loch Promenade, IM1 2LX, Douglas, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 698800
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Latitude: 54.150831, Longitude: -4.477959

kommentar 5

  • Frasir Chan

    Frasir Chan


    A hotel with very nice room, spacious restaurant and friendly staff.

  • Gerhard Vissie Visser

    Gerhard Vissie Visser


    Nice hotel. Clean friendly staff. Awesome views!

  • S Mundy

    S Mundy


    Went for a meal here, the fillet steak was lovely and perfectly cooked, the chips did seem like basic oven chips to me though. The staff were amazing, service was spot on and we were constantly attended too. Dessert was also fantastic. Excellent atmosphere and decor, would highly recommend.

  • Scott Morley

    Scott Morley


    Absolutely fantastic hotel and restaurant. Couldn't have wished for a better stay, although a while ago now. Warm welcome, free room upgrade and ideal location for exploring Douglas. Could not fault the room, spacious, clean and a fantasticly large ensuite. I would definitely stay again.

  • Jon Griffiths

    Jon Griffiths


    Nice hotel. Right on the coast (would have been better if it was sunny though). Dinner is a little on the pricey side but very good, especially the scallops.

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