Island Hearing Ltd i Port Erin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManIsland Hearing Ltd



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1, Station Road, IM9 6AE, Port Erin, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 830722
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Latitude: 54.0854299, Longitude: -4.7586974

kommentar 1

  • David Glover

    David Glover


    I had been using NHS hearing aids for many years, and good though they were for me, I had not realised how much better I could hear with 'state--of-the-art' hearing aids.Then a couple of weeks ago I 'bit the bullet' and visited Tim & Rachel's clinic to see just what could be done to improve the situation - I was tired of pretending to people that I could hear them and conduct a meaningful conversation with them. It was all too embarrassing, and I was missing out on what was going on. After a careful assessment by Island Hearing I then went away with some trial aids. After a few days I went back and bought a new pair. I am just truly amazed at the difference between the volume and clarity of the old and new. There was no pressure at all to buy. It was all very professional and yet friendly. I give Island Hearing 10 out of 10 for improving my life. Thanks a ton.

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