The Buttery i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManThe Buttery


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49, Duke St, IM1 2AU, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 621605
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Latitude: 54.149264, Longitude: -4.4785335

kommentar 4

  • en

    Peter Jones


    I have been visiting The Buttery cafe for over 40 years, on & off. It is a Douglas institution. Famous for its thick toast & milky coffee (old school, pre-latté) it is bench seated tables front to back, with a customer base so varied that I doubt there is anywhere to compare it to. The owners for the last ten+ years are Italian. They are friendly & efficient, shouting the orders from the counter when the food is ready. Don't expect table service and don't stress if someone nicks your toast, you can just take the next one. It is proper café food; cooked breakfasts, sandwiches, baked potatoes but also "proper" meals are available. About as unpretentious as a cafe gets plus it is clean, friendly and unique. I use it daily, now; that is recommendation enough, in my book.

  • it

    elisa swam


  • Danny Hands

    Danny Hands


    Perfect for a fry up

  • Simon Harding

    Simon Harding


    Freshly prepared food, quick service. Legendary thick toast.

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