The Edelweiss i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManThe Edelweiss



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The Edelweiss, 29 Palace Terrace, Queens Prom Douglas, Douglas, Isle of Man IM2 4NF
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 675115
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Latitude: 54.1644193, Longitude: -4.4687568

kommentar 5

  • stewart emsley

    stewart emsley


    The hotel stay was bought as part of a present for Christmas , and I've got to admit its been a really lovely Hotel to stay at, I can't fault the rooms and Shirley the landlady couldn't do enough to help,breakfast excellent,

  • Paul Bailey

    Paul Bailey


    Lovely hotel great hospitality

  • Christian Urban

    Christian Urban


    Nice guesthouse in the Douglas. Parking is available on the streets around the hotel. Nice view in the room as well. Breakfast was good, but try to avoid the peak hours.

  • David Chan

    David Chan


    Disappointing and very expensive for just a guest house. The en-suite layout was poor and the hand towel rail was not fixed to the wall. The shower did not hold of temperature. Sadly, Premier Inn is better value than this establishment.

  • jarrod parkin

    jarrod parkin


    I would say this is the best guest house in Douglas . Have been coming here for the last 11 years. Management and staff very friendly and helpful. Large choice of breakfast. Rooms comfy. A credit to the island.

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