The Empress Hotel i Douglas

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Isle of ManThe Empress Hotel



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Central Promenade, IM2 4RA, Douglas, Isle of Man, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 661155
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Latitude: 54.159159, Longitude: -4.475773

kommentar 5

  • lesley GBG12042016

    lesley GBG12042016


    We had a cream tea over price for the quality of food and service. There was no strawberry jam far too much mustard on my sandwiches I had to take them back the cakes was not homemade very bland the staff did not engage with us

  • Paul James

    Paul James


    Friendly staff, great food. Pleasant place to stay. Easy walk into town centre

  • Ruark Pepler

    Ruark Pepler


    Staff are really friendly and helpful. Breakfast was great. All round good value for money and the location is perfect. Right on the promenade close to all the main places you would want to visit and most businesses. Rooms do seem a little outdated but they are clean and tidy with no thing to complain about especially for the price you pay. Will be willing to stay here again.

  • Jan Clode

    Jan Clode


    We stayed in the Penthouse for 3 nights. Gorgeous, lovely big comfortable bed, large bath, dressing room and comfortable sitting area. The fridge in the room was useful. The best thing about the room is the sea view. The penthouse is on the roof of the hotel with floor to ceiling patio doors offering uninterrupted views of the sea. We had enough sun to sit out on the patio in Feb!!. The service in the Restraunt is excellent and very welcoming polite and kind lead by the Bulgarian head waiter, a true asset to the hotel The food was of good quality and always plenty available on the breakfast buffet. Reception staff were very helpful too, especially when I needed to sort out a last minute change to my flight booking home When I come back to the island this hotel and the penthouse is where I will stay. Thanks Empress and All

  • Steve Harley

    Steve Harley


    Stayed at the Empress Hotel for 4 nights last weekend bed, breakfast and evening meals and enjoyed it very much indeed. We had a lovely sea view double room, everyone was very friendly and helpful, particularly Stan and the lovely Irish receptionist. The food was just brilliant a great selection to choose from and very reasonably priced. Enjoyed the piano player on Friday and Saturday very much. Will certainly return next year .

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