The Sefton Hotel i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManThe Sefton Hotel



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Harris Promenade, Douglas, IM1 2RW, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 2RW, Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 645500
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Latitude: 54.1547271, Longitude: -4.4786953

kommentar 5

  • Calvin Tattersall

    Calvin Tattersall


    Only worth two stars now. Has really gone down the nick. Not many staff speak basic English. Used to be a top class hotel. I will find somewhere else in future, it's not worth staying here anymore. Have enjoyed this hotel since 2002, but it's lost now.

  • Christopher Onderstall

    Christopher Onderstall


    Reception staff could barely bother to get up to help us check in. Really disappointed on how rude they were. Very weird and inconvenient system to get to the pool requiring a new trip to reception every time. Reasonable rooms and rates.

  • Jeroo Norman

    Jeroo Norman


    Attended a lovely party at the Atriam and ballroom. There must have been about 100 people but the food was excellent.. starters. Main course and desserts all served in style. A wonderful evening with live music.

  • Nicola Smith

    Nicola Smith


    A beautiful stay. Staff where do helpful and the manager was fantastic! Would definitely recommend well worth 5 stars.

  • Paul Carr

    Paul Carr


    Great value (winter special - family room). Food in Harbour Lights was fantastic. Pool out of order but they couldn't have been more accommodating in getting us into the Palace for a swim. Perfect stay. Booked again as we were leaving.

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