The Mitre Pub i Kirk Michael

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Isle of ManThe Mitre Pub


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Main Road, Kirk Michael, IM Isle of Man
kontakter telefon: +44-1624
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Latitude: 54.2825289, Longitude: -4.5874806

kommentar 3

  • Anzhelika Mayam

    Anzhelika Mayam


  • Moonshine Framing

    Moonshine Framing


    Probably my favourite pub in the world, based on many vistits during many TT fortnight. So this is a bikers perspective of the pub at its busiest time of the year. It can get absolutely shoulder to shoulder packed during race week, but the owners and staff pull out all the stops to keep the beer flowing and still have the time to make you welcome. When it's quiet it's a really nice atmosphere in there too. Beer garden at the front is a great place to spectate the races. It's also a Marshall's point. You can get directly from the pub to the school yard (school empty during TT) to spectate from the inside of Douglas Corner for a change. During races when the road is closed you will be trapped inside the course at the Mitre, so you are there for the session. Staff are friendly, beer is as good as anywhere on the Island, and there's plenty of room outside for when the weather is good.

  • Kieran Brown

    Kieran Brown


    Not the best atmosphere. Expensive pint and no food.

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