Villa Marina IM

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Isle of ManVilla Marina


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15, Harris Promenade, IM1 2LT, IM Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 694500
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Latitude: 54.1569262, Longitude: -4.4779964

kommentar 5

  • Dawn Speed

    Dawn Speed


    Lovely place. We were part of the Pokerstars festival of darts held there. Great atmosphere, good facilities, lovely setting and helpful staff.

  • doglover 5013

    doglover 5013


    It is a great place you can whatch movies in the cinema and whatch shows in lots of different room inside it that are always wonderful. The guild also takes place there which is a manx thing that takes place for a week every spring.

  • en

    Edward Littlewood


    I went to see Omd at the villa marina and it was a fantastic time and very good for the money. .Excellent time i would go again when they come over to the Isle of Man.

  • en

    Richard Barker


    I have been listening to OMD since my teens so it was a great pleasure to go to OMD's first gig in the Isle of Man at the Villa Marina. For a small island this venue is indeed spacious and equipped with quality seating. The Villa Marina was full for the event and had a terrific atmosphere. Well worth a visit.

  • Gary Quayle

    Gary Quayle


    Concert venue visited by World class stars, cinema, soft play area for kids. Wedding venue, outside landscaped gardens.

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