The Chesterhouse Hotel i Douglas

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Isle of ManThe Chesterhouse Hotel


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Loch Promenade, IM1 2LY, Douglas, GB
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 617068
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Latitude: 54.1523992, Longitude: -4.4785396

kommentar 5

  • Keith Harris

    Keith Harris


    Clean, good food and service, staff very helpful.

  • William Walton

    William Walton


    Beautiful hotel situated on the sea front our room 001 very spacious with large bathroom amenities. The food very good carvery style, found the staff helpful and friendly a very good hotel to stay when in Douglas on the Isle of Man.

  • Tony Baker

    Tony Baker


    Super place,super meals,well worth s visit.

  • Linda Rand

    Linda Rand


    Staff young, friendly, helpful and well trained. Evening meal is a buffet with enough choice to be interesting and is cooked nicely, not over done or dried out as so many hotel meals. Bar prices reasonable. Pleasant room, modern bathroom.

  • Yvonne Ellis

    Yvonne Ellis


    I stayed at this lovely hotel with my sister. The views are spectacular. Rooms are very clean. The staff make this a good place to stay, they are friendly and very helpful. There was a warm family atmosphere around all the staff who were all very caring towards one another and guests, especially the manager.

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