The Victoria Tavern i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Isle of ManThe Victoria Tavern


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17, Victoria Street, IM1 2LW, Douglas, IM Man
kontakter telefon: +44 1624 620586
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Latitude: 54.1491195, Longitude: -4.4775724

kommentar 5

  • Jim Rafferty

    Jim Rafferty


    My favourite bar.Landlord and staff the best.But it is an acquired taste.You are never alone in this place.Newcommers are made very welcome.5 stars for banter.

  • Peter Cain

    Peter Cain


    Always a welcome and a congenial atmosphere

  • en

    Danny Stallman


    A nice friendly little English style Pub

  • Robert Crane

    Robert Crane


    Proprietor Robert has always run a great business & this is no exception. A friendly welcome always and a good pint of bitter.

  • Keith Williams

    Keith Williams


    A great little pub run by one of the few professional landlords on the the Isle of Man. The beer is well looked after and the staff friendly with a relaxed atmosphere. It is a bit of a trek to the toilet so don't leave it to the last minute if you need it!

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